Why does the United States want to consider China as a geopolitical adversary?
Q: Why does the United States want to consider China as a geopolitical adversary?
It is due to the Christian culture. Christians worship God, and God is a warrior. Proverbs 9:10 says: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” That’s the Western idea of governance. If you want to rule the world, let the world fear you.
The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli is a classic political philosophy work. The book is still a must-read by students in political science. Niccolo Machiavelli says that if you want to rule, you must be feared. It is the essential political philosophy rooted in the Christian culture.
The US considers China as an adversary because China does not fear the US. That breaks the foundation of the Western world order as the world order is built on fear. After the US dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the US thought that the world should fear the US. Yet, Mao simply despised it and said that the atomic bomb was a paper tiger.
China has long been advocating a relationship of mutual respect with the US, and the US never accepts the idea of mutual respect. The US considers it a world leader and the world leader should be feared. The US fantasies that China should fear the US. That’s the rule-based order.
Chinese political culture is a Confucian idea that rulers should be loved. This idea is exactly what Niccolo Machiavelli debuted. Niccolo Machiavelli says that a ruler cannot rule by being loved.
How is a happy life? living daily in fear of in love? Which ruler do you prefer? A ruler you fear or a ruler you love? If you read the Bible, the Christian ideal governance model of rule by God is to obey and fear God.
In 2006, leaders of 48 African countries gathered in Beijing for the China-Africa Summit. In response, the US established Africom in 2007. Africa had been living under the fear of the Western powers for centuries and finally had a power that would love them. That’s not the rule-based order of the Western powers. The rule-based order is based on fear, and the US established the Africom to make sure Africans fear the US.
This is the adversary. The US wants Africans living in fear and China wants Africans living in love. The whole geopolitics today is around the axis: the US destroys and China builds. The US expands its military existence around the world and China builds ports, hospitals, schools, roads, and railways through BRI. The US wages or incites wars to spread fear and China promotes peace and economic development to spread love. China wants an international relationship of mutual respect and the US wants an international relationship of all fear the US.
China promotes peace and love which is the adversary to the US’ wars and fear.