What is the approval rating for Chinese president Xi Jinping?
There are no approval ratings in China domestically. China does not depend on polls to govern. The west does not depend on polls to govern either. The west depends on polls for election campaigns. The politicians of the west depend on polls to design their campaign strategies for attracting more ballots. They are, in essence, not leaders but echo to polls. They are populists. When the west says they are leaders, they actually manipulate public opinions through polls, statistics, and rhetoric. They manipulate public opinions so that voters believe in what is not necessarily true.
Xi, on the other hand, is a true leader who just does whatever is good for the people, regardless of what kind of poll is. Xi accomplished a few things that win the hearts of the Chinese people. One of them is cracking down on corruption. It is a significant turn. China restores to a high spirit.
Does anyone hear the news about overdose deaths or the addition of substances in China? A harmonic society has no such phenomena. The west denies social problems. The west categorizes most social problems as mental problems. People are depressed because of the pressure of unemployment. It is not a mental problem. It is a social problem. An individual has difficulty fitting into society. That’s a social problem of interpersonal relations, not a mental problem. Yes, they are mental problems, but the root cause is social problems. The west has a rich substance to indulge in, but society is linked by money, not people. That’s the true root cause of overdose and abuse of substances.
The West needs to create a poll to make people think they belong to a “democratic” society. The result of a poll depends on what questions are asked and how the questions are asked. An institute can design a poll to reach the expected result to manipulate public opinions. Those who are addicted to drugs and overdosed are smart ones who are not fooled by the poll. When the statistic says a lake has an average depth of one meter, some people are drawn to the lake on some sport of two-meter depth. They are the marginalized group that cannot make it to the statistic average.
If there are a statistic and polls, Xi will be great. Xi, however, addressed the poorest and said he will eliminate poverty, by accurate measures. Xi does not need a poll or ranking. He is a true leader. He accomplishes goals and people like the results.
People feel more confident about the future with Xi as a leader, both the People of China and the People of the World.