What is democracy according to the Chinese Communist Party?
Democracy is a way to make decisions in public affairs so that the decisions reflect what most people want.
The Western political system, on the other hand, is elect someone who under checks and balances makes decisions about public affairs. The president elected is supposed to make decisions for most people. In practice, however, the president elected is making decisions bent to the will of interest groups.
The Western political system is the power of capital. The political process to make decisions on public affairs is manipulated by money or capital. That’s why it is called the capitalist political system. Chinese political system is, on the other hand, the power of the people.
The West views politics as a conflict of interest to be negotiated, so needs opposition parties. China has a view of common interest to be reached, so to have a multi-parties cooperation institute called the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. The Confucian culture believes in a society where conflict of interest is not the paramount issue in politics. Conflict of interest can be minimized when every party focuses on what’s good for the public. In China, some party is willing to sacrifice their own interest for the public good. That’s the norm. That’s called social responsibility. That makes Chinese democracy works while Western democracy does not work.